CANDIED ORANGE PEELS Delicious food recycling—of the beautiful oranges in the market this time of year. Carefully peeling the outer skin from the pith leaves a brightly colored, strongly flavored ...Read More
MUSHROOM PASTA It’s early February. It’s cold. It’s still winter. A really nice pasta dish would be just the thing for dinner. But oh, the prep! Well, maybe not. With just a few ingr...Read More
I turned 18 my Freshman year. I was kind of lost. I was doing a lot of things just because everybody else was doing it. Like going to parties and drinking way too much, because that’s what you did i...Read More
What was going on in Wendy’s life when she was 18: That was such a year of transition for me. I was born in the south but grew up in the north. At 18 I wanted to go to Bryn Mawr, which was a fancy s...Read More
On being 18: It was scary and exciting. I was a freshman in college. It was the first time I was away from home. I had never been to camp. I was trying to make friends. Trying to make my way around th...Read More
Cinzia’s advice to her 18 year old self: To do it all again, but not to worry as much as you’re living life. Because it’s not worth it. Life happens anyway. There’s no way to not embrace hilar...Read More
Suzette’s advice to her 18 year old self: Fight harder. From experience I know that I have gotten a lot farther when I’ve realized that it’s always better to go back and ask more questions. If y...Read More
Caroline’s advice to her 18 year old self: I should have pushed back on my parents a long time earlier than I did, with regards to my sexual preference. I would have been kinder to my brother in col...Read More
Brianna’s advice to her 18 year old self: Recognize the extent to which my mother had pushed me to get to where I was then. So that I would be prepared to take the leap and guide my own path from th...Read More