Last year, almost 40,000 Americans were diagnosed with HIV for the first time. That works out to about 110 people a day. Globally, almost 6,000 people are newly infected with HIV – each day. AIDS is...Read More
On World AIDS Day last year (December 1st for those who want to put it in their calendar for this year), I wrote an opinion piece ‘After decades of research, why is AIDS still rampant?’ Nobody eve...Read More
I started writing about Housing Works as a Quirky NYC experience—and it is!—but it is also a quintessential never give up kind of revolutionary organization. People think of Housing Works as a gre...Read More
I saw my first funeral the other day, driving down from Lilongwe VERY slowly with my new, non-English speaking, non-music owning driver when a crowd of 100 people suddenly materialized on the road....Read More