Before you say anything, I want you to know that I tried. I really tried. I love pasta and bean soup, pasta e fagioli, macaroni and bean, whatever you care to call it. Who knew it would be so hard to make? I tried not once, not twice, but three times altering the recipes to get at what I thought might be the culprit. You know what I got? I got a LOT of really bad soup. A LOT OF REALLY BAD SOUP. I’m only willing to do so much for the culinary arts.
Now I could share one of those recipes with you, say ‘make it at your own risk’ then call it a day. I could. It seems that other less scrupulous people (who shall remain nameless) have done so. I’m just not that kind of person. Today’s cooking lesson is to know when to cut your losses and know when to suck it up.
If you don’t have an Italian grannie who loves to cook for you and you’re really craving this soup, may I present what to do when all else fails.
Reality Recipe
- 1 can of macaroni and bean soup.
- Open pop top and dump into small pot.
- Set stovetop to medium high heat, stir pot occasionally. Done in 5 to 7 minutes.
Sit back and enjoy.