Not Your Mama’s Deviled Eggs
Labor Day picnic time. You really want to do the easy plate this year—not the 10-step potato salad or the 18-hour baked beans. So raise your hand and say you’ll do the deviled eggs—with a surprise twist. And that would be? Curry.
• Boil the eggs—(about 7 minutes should do it) –only you’ll know how many servings to make
• Cool the eggs in cold water—crack them right in the water for easier peel
• Slice chilled, shelled eggs in half lengthwise and scoop out yolk
• Mash yolks with salt, pepper, curry powder and some Major Grey’s chutney
• Mix with mayonnaise or a mayo/yogurt mix until spreadable
• Spoon yolk mixture into whites and sprinkle with paprika
Looks mighty traditional—but wait for the surprise taste test.
The Kitchen Hive
I am the biggest pig at cover dishes that have deviled eggs! My hubster has to remind me that others might want some. These I won’t share!
And you know who ALWAYS brings the deviled eggs!! MM
Let’s get this party started!!