Winter is early this year. They say that if you dress for it, winter isn’t that bad. That’s not what I’m going to complain about (even though I don’t believe it’s true). No, I’m going to complain about my sincere efforts to try to like winter (by dressing for it).
This year I had to break out my winter kit well before Thanksgiving—which is early this year. The first winter freeze falling so closely behind the end of daylight savings time (my least favorite day of the year despite the extra hour of sleep), does not set a good tone for the rest of the season. It was in this mood that I donned my winter gear to face the inevitable. I am not a bear, though sometimes I wish I was.

I was not greeted by happy murmurings when I arrived at my destination. Instead, my friends did not recognize me, buried in appropriate winter clothing as I was. When they finally figured out that it was me, they laughed!
I heard that it’s going to be a really cold winter this year. Then I heard that we’re in for early cold weather and that the rest of the winter will be relatively mild. I consulted the Farmer’s Almanac, which I’m not sure I should believe because I live in New York City. I also want to add that it feels so wrong that this almanac, founded in 1792, is online. And what did this auspicious journal counsel in terms of winter weather? Colder, but no colder than usual. Now what does that mean in this age of climate change?
It’s going to be a long winter.
Dear Dr Mo, a few things.
First, dressing for winter sometimes requires that you relinquish your hold on fashionable attire. I know this is a dichotomy you struggle with.
Second, many of the great religions, and certainly both Physics and Physiology, indicate that day to day reality is merely a construct created by our brains for our private use. As such, it is as possible to enjoy as to suffer.
Finally, I urge you to embrace the many joys which winter brings; snow in all its beauty, air that is clear and crisp, The statue of Balto in Central Park, wonderful warm comfort food, baking in general, lots of extra pockets and no mosquitoes, I recommend the poetry of Dylan Thomas, and Robert Service, the stories of Gene Shepherd (which became Christmas Story), Conrad and Dickens.
You are brilliant!!! I’ll stay in all winter long and read. You’ve even provided a reading list. Count me a fan!
Dr. Mo