Girls Who Code

Listen up, ladies. Want to go where the future is? Want to make some money and maybe change the world in the process? Start coding. Now. It turns out that women are really, really good coders. Once they learn how to do it.

In 1984, 37% of all computer science graduates were women. Now that number is just 18%. What?!?!

Do a job search in almost any field and half of the jobs that come up are in data science—and they pay well. In the next few years, there will be almost one and a half MILLION jobs in tech. If things stay as they are now, only 3% of those jobs will be filled by women.

Reshma Saujani at a rally

Enter Reshma Saujani. Reshma is a lawyer, politician and…founder of Girls Who Code. She started this organization—with 20 girls from New York—with the sole aim of closing the gender gap in tech. A few short years later, there are now more than 40,000 girls and young women actively involved in the program and 10,000+ alumni from all 50 states. How’s that for getting the job done?

One final note. While it is definitely too late for some of us to be girls who code, it is never too late for some of us to be women who code. Check it out. Coding may be good for your future. It would definitely be good for your wallet.

4 thoughts on “Girls Who Code

  1. Thanks for posting this; I’m in need of a career change and am now inspired to become a woman who codes!

    1. Andi,
      Look no further. It seems that your career choice is now an easy one. Let me know how it goes. Women who code should be just as rewarded as girls!

  2. You should both attend the World Maker Faire in New York. There the future is on display for all to see. Coding schools, STEM initiatives , product developers, hobbiests, and the latest platforms for the beginner and the super-elite are all on display plus lots of whimsical goofy fun and gee-whiz entertainment.
    The Bay Area event is coming up very soon in California. The New York event is usually in early October out in Flushing Meadows Park. Both sponsored by MAKE magazine.

    1. Great idea, Duck!! Talk Real Now will definitely cover the World Maker Faire in NYC!! Look for our post on this great event.
      Dr. Mo

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