Who knew that the two places in the world to find the most Maureen’s are Ireland and Malawi! There are Maureen’s everywhere! Needless to say, everyone knows my name.

I have to say Viva MSF Espana!!! I was hanging out with the Spanish contingent the other day. Walking home from the district hospital what to my wondering eyes should appear but an MSF van with HUGE speakers blasting dance music!! Every kid in the neighborhood was there and soon their mothers joined in too. Party on in Malawi!! Everyone needs a dance break. The little girl in the pictures is, of course, Maureen. When the kids found out my name they searched for my name’s sake. It turns out that there’s at least one in every crowd.

The Mo’ better grooves?
Mo’ better always grooves!
You have delved into my deep past! This was one seriously fun dance party–with the MSF Barcelona crowd. You know it was good.
Dr. Mo